Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saving Grace ~ coffeespoons & afternoons

No I've never been cheated on (not to my knowledge in the traditional bf/gf sense anyway heh). In a non-traditional sense? Well of course. I mean, haven't we all, on numerous occasions, been 'cheated' by those we love/trust? Parents, brothers, sisters, friends, bosses, colleagues, teachers etc. etc. You've never? Then I can only surmise that YOU LIE!
Did your parents ever tell you you'd grow up purrtty? (btw if you're thinking "but they did and I am" then you're a narcissistic jerk - stop reading my blog). Remember your teacher telling you you'd need physical ed. to get into college? (that's time we'll never EVER get back!) Friends telling you you look good in orange? (THEY LIE!) Bosses telling you you'll get that raise, "Keep it up!" (stinking icing on a burnt cake that). Ooo got a good one; Have you ever waited for your Dad to pick you up HOURS after everyone else had gone home? (HURTS DOESN'T IT?)

So what's one to do? Live with your reflection. Screw gym & work on your maths. Don't wear orange. Switch jobs. And LEARN TO USE THE FXCKIN BUS.
Yeah sometimes I have trust issues. Can you blame me? But I think my philosophy here is pretty straight up ~ a wise T-shirt once told me "If someone you love hurts you, cry a river, build a bridge and get over it". A song a week keeps away the shrink ~ this week's flavor just happens to be:

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