Thursday, May 3, 2012

Permanent Daylight, Fake Plastic Trees

Fireworks lit the sky tonight. I watched the sparks flare, and later fade. Bursts of colour turned to ash and dust within seconds. How so like this story.

Clarity. Like the sky after haze. Still beautiful. Still clear. Still sprinkled with a thousand stars. Still aglow without the glory of gunpowder and gold. Life as it is, reality as it should be. 

"Sometimes we choose to tread carefully.
Sometimes we choose to walk hopefully.
Sometimes the truth wakes unexpectedly.
Sometimes people lie unintentionally.

Sometimes we choose to surrender.
Sometimes we choose to see better.
Sometimes we choose to be happier.
Sometimes we choose not to remember.
...and sometimes, we choose to forgive and forget..."

The pain of truth lasts but a second. As fleet as the fireworks that lit the sky tonight. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Love & Pride ~ Love To Hate

Hate has been in the air. No doubt, while many are fighting for what they sincerely believe to be a greater good, others are fighting for the sake of, well, fighting. Angry and bitter, fingers are pointed, words spin from opposing sides and truth is then turned to a yellowish mass of blurry speeches and images.

I take no sides here. I find it all just very, very sad. Regardless of (racial, political or religious) affiliations, my parents brought me up to believe in this; there are good people and there are bad people ~ on both sides of the fence.

  • There will always be people who will try to hurt you.
  • There will always be people who betray your trust.
  • There will always be people who will try to use you.
  • There will always be people who belittle you.
  • There will always be people who will lie about you.
  • There will always be people who are happy to see you down.
"Faith is reason grown courageous.” 
~ Sherwood Eddy

  • There will be protection for those who are true.
  • There will be support for those who are true.
  • There will be help for those who are true.
  • There will be words of encouragement for those who are true.
  • There will always be truth prevailing for those who are true.
  • There will be salvation for those who are true.

33 may be old to some, and young to others. Truth be told, I sometimes feel that being born in 1978 has resulted in some very awkward personalities (moi!)…  i.e. ’78 babes are too old to have enjoyed a childhood where mobile phones were a necessity (1982 borne at least]), yet we are too young to have enjoyed the clean freedom of being an 80’s teenager. Nevertheless, I had a happy childhood, and what I do remember is this:
  • Corporal punishment was in practice (teachers caned us without fear of being sued).
  • We climbed fruit trees and scraped our knees.
  • Fast food (KFC) was reserved for birthdays.
  • Santa Claus left underwear in our stockings (which we were happy to receive ~ a present’s a present)
  • We roamed the streets free without fear.

So please, bigger picture. If half the effort and energy we pour into certain agendas are put into real  issues that matter, maybe the children of today can enjoy the best of the 80’s, 90’s and the new millennium.